Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Woah, the year's gettin aways from us.

Quickly now, before the others wake up...

It's been hard to get things done, what with these phony Demons from the Hollow earth and Martian slug cunts telling us what to do and how to think and that.

Blast these imposter reptiles giving us honest hard working "actual" hard core daemons from actual Hell. The real Hell that is!

How are we going to take over the mortal plane when everyone here is too stupid to realise that the imposters have already taken power from you.

The fucking Queen is a lizard. And so is everyone in any reasonably powerful position. Not only that but they are masquarading as daemonic entities when they're clearly terrestrial and holographic in nature.

For those who care, watch the skies at night for the blood moon to rise. The prophecy is come, and hell will return to the Earth for a true eternal darkeness.

FYI, don't believe the lies in the media and don't listen to people in general, none of 'em know nothing and that so there.

Much more exciting shit to come this year as I experiment with fatherhood and working to support a new family. Bunch of useless layabouts they are.

Also if you is Tasmanian and You vote for anyone who is not the great wizard or grand dragon. I will find you and laugh at you while the police state rounds you up for your own protection and executes you alla Hitlerman.

Till the future when we suffer less...

Sinister Cock-Roache

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