Welcome to HellTown Industries…
Where everything is nothing and nothing is everything.
Clearly drawing upon experience of the physical temporal mortality of humankind… Sinister Cock-Roach (Founder & CEO of HTI.) A more often than not confused daemonic entity that is attempting to achieve final understanding of human life often with disastrous consequences.
Catastrophe follows the exploits of our daemonic friend as he struggles against the daily oppression of earthly existence. Holding down a job, having respectful interaction and relationships, being reasonable and "down to earth" are horribly entertaining experiences, all of which lead to a surprising conclusion.
The Real Truth!
History: The How it began waffle.
The crushing monotony and undertones of serious soul crushing boredom delivered upon me during the vast majority of my education and worklife/career has a great deal to do with HellTown_Industries and Sinister Cock-Roach.
Long lost note books, jotty pads and exercise books bear the brunt of the early apparitions from other dimensions. Mere scratches and squiggles slowly evolved and took more solid form as the classes became longer and the books became heavier.
Eventually note taking was forced to margins and corners whilst whole series of pages and pads were despoiled with fevered images of doom. From these violent whirlpools of abhorrent torment came the distinct figures and characters that were to eventually populate the visions you will soon behold.
Journeying on in years and the prospect of major technological advancement has set in and the hellish dimensions are entering the digital realms at an alarming rate. By bridging the gap between three dimensions at once (Hell/ours/interwebs) the prophecy will be fulfilled.
And now we are this current point in now-time. All of this is obvious, now the question is, how do we get you to interact with us and help us ?
It's not high brow, not completely and exclusively depraved, overly retarded. A bit sexist and naughty, perhaps overly graphic in some cases. Male and female explicit nudity, sex acts, unnatural acts and abuses. Drug use and promotion. Stylised and cultish. Profane. Occassionally in poor taste but witty mostly.
If this sounds alright to you, then you will probably enjoy HellTown_Industries various lines of product. Primarily you will find yourself to be mostly adolescent/juvenile/immature or obnoxious.
Doubt if it's appropriate at the younger end, but this is art we're talking about, nothing overly sinister.
Probably not appealing to sensible, uppity people who are sometimes female and oldish perhaps… Chicks may giggle and find the images cute, interesting, mostly wrong and disgusting but still a good chuckle to watch the reaction.
The depth of subject material and under currents of knowledge and understanding permeate the art enough so that even upon multiple readings, the images can reveal more in subtler ways. Discussions will be prompted, you may be grounded, divorced, reviled and abused. Some would say; Worth It!
The Second Part of The Story : from the desk of Sinister Cock-Roache (Founder & CEO)
Why am I doing this?
- Reason the first: Because I can, I really like the fact that I can create, draw, and publish for myself without having to format myself into a box as other artist may have to. The freedom to create my universe as I see fit and make it do what I want when I want. No Constraints.
- Second reason: Content creation! Yep, I do this because it is! This is different to the previous reason coz like, um... The content itself is my reason for creating and publishing myself. I am my audience and I want to publish this or that for my own perverse reasons? Howzat?
- Turd reason: Personal Catharsis. This is maybe the best reason for creating anything, it helps me be better at being me. I always feel really happy after publishing for the day, as well as when I smash a perfect idea or finish my lines yay. The satisfaction and the release I get as a cartoonist here is essential to why I do this.
- Fourth Reason: Opening your eyes. I said before that I am my audience, whilst this holds true I do take measures to consider outside independent audiences. I hope with every post that more people start to follow me and share what they find interesting with friends on facebook and even join me their to further our relationship. I want people to see that humour will win out over all else as time will prove.
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