Thursday, 20 February 2014

Review: An Evening With John Cleese

Hullo there lads, lasses, lezzies, loopies and loons. Oh and Queermos'.

Went and saw John Cleese at the Historique Theatre Royale last night and boy was it great.

John looked old and I needed to take a shit, so that was fun.  Luckily enough we were surrounded by seeping geriatrics so I was able to fart my way through the show, desperately wriggling in my seat so as not to accidentally shit my pants.

The show itself was very good and of an appropriate length.

I especially liked the bit where people whistled and cheered the video footage of the man far more than the live man himself. Perfect as always. Fuck you Tassie!

Am I the only person who finds wolf whistling and woop wooping a bit retarded, especially in regard to 40 odd year old footage. Maybe I need to get amongst it more, meh!?!
Sinister Cock-Roache.

Like-share-comment or masturbate with sandpaper I don't give 2 fucks you dicks.

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