The real problem isn't technology or politics or society. The problem is people. By that I mean if people elevated their thinking and tried to do things more cleverly rather than pigeon holing and alienating non-conformity, we might actually get somewhere with this lie we call life.
Until then I'll be in my cave jacking it to dead squirrels and eating my own poop?!?
PS. No one cares!

Minimalist and whimsical bizarre, off-beat, adult-blue cartoon humour at its finest. Set in a universe parallel to our own. Populated with daemonic entities, malignantly possessed objects, blinded prophets and doomed souls of all shapes and sizes. Welcome to HellTown… Where everything is nothing and nothing is everything.
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Wednesday, 26 February 2014
Heavenly Heights Christian Science Observatory
Evolution Vs Creationism. No contest.
The retarded one is wrong der!
Don't teach bullshit in schools. They already indoctrinate kids into societal pressure and conformity let's atleast keep religion the fuck away from science and our kids please?!?
"It's our duty to think God out of existence"
Sinister Cock-Roache
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
The Cultural Tsunami: Scaremongering; Hate politics and the Majority World Technological Pollution Problem.
Hey guys, don't despair we don't just talk shit and laugh at toilets.
So let's roll on into the theriouthneth now. I don't suppose any of you has ever heard of immigrants, whether legal or illegal? Well did you know that they are people, and that as people they have beliefs, faiths, idylls and ideologies that may or may not differ from our own? They do, there's a bunch of diversity on this rock called Earth. The fear is that these immigints er gon bring thar crazy mooslum idears intoo Merica and make us mooslam islamms too.
This fear I refer to as the Cultural Tsunami. Bogus and irrational we fear that our whiteman culture is fragile and won't take many knocks before it too falls like that of the Indian/Aboriginal peoples(pc) or boongs in Aus. Whitey came along and is fucked all other cultures away with their guns, ships and diseases. So we are being conditioned to fear new arrivals as if they are ravenous conquistadors intent upon naught but our slaughter and rape.
I think that perhaps if we looks a little bit more closer at this we will finds a diffrnt nanswer. A less racist and bigotted one perhaps even. If we for a moment can suspend our rational minds for a moment and imagine if our governments were lying to us ( as if they'd do that) and mongering fears and sewing irrational hatred and discontent for others less fortunate than us, I wonder what the world would look like. Hold up a mirror USA AUS and other allied awesome instigators of terror and you'll see what I mean.
We are served by a successive run of hate politicians spewing their brutal anti-human rhetoric at any opportunity and for why, ? SO that we the people can't see the bullshit for the forest of corpses. Where does a "representative" government get off by ignoring the least fortunate of the global populace and merely please the top 7% of whatever it is.
Our culture has shifted firmly with technological advancement and this sadly is leading us to be the cultural tsunami (the opposite of what I writed before just a bit) Where while we fear cultural obliteration from illegals it is in fact them that give up all of their culture to assimilate and merge with ours. Ipads and mobile network in the developing world are outstripping us in the 1st world.
Traditional cultural values are being cast aside for new cars, houses and yards, good jobs and a belief in the white gods. Don't be fooled my black and coffee brothers you may move to white mans land and use his tools and live in his caves but he still hates you and mistrusts you. And you are also sending the evil of whitey's culture back to your homelands in the form of technologique pollution. Poisoning your rivers, towns, economies and cousins all so you can share the white mans wealth whilst he hates you and finds you in all ways inferior.
I say shenanigans! What bullshit is this. Hold dear your ancient traditions and cultural values and move slowly and cautiously with technology all the whilst looking and researching more sustainable and healthier ways of being within a global world culture. Just don't get sucked in to the game you can't win, no matter the colour of your skin or the cut of your suit, you aren't Rupert Murdoch or an overpaid politco-celebrity-athlete, so you will never be treated as anything but low born mudblood pondscum.
Enjoy you life and keep off the grass, we don't like footprints in our wastefully too short manicured peoples spaces or crown lands!
Vote Anarchy.
Sinister Cock-Roache.
Today is the one day that you didn't see coming. And it hit you in the faeces!?
Another exercise in good taste.
Finding it immensely difficult to stop drinking the coffee from the machine. It is taste good and smells really yummy. But then it makes me twitch a little, then a bit more and I have to pooh and wee. O my golly.
NB. best thing about my job is making coffee and sitting at my desk pressing buttons.
Sooner or later you'll all be the ones crying and screaming in fear and terror as the enemies of man swoop from the boiling skies to divest you of your souls.
On a more positive note, they also come baring small gifts of sweets to share and a happy little smile too.
6 of one they said. But all I heard was dick.
Sinister Cock-Roache
out for now.
Am thinking we need a more better articles later on. But ... don't know how much laters it will be.
Until then, fail miserably hoomans.
Monday, 24 February 2014
John Cage Poem I love
John Cage
Untitled Anarchist Poem
We don’t need government
We need utilities.
Air, water, energy
Travel and communication means
Food and shelter.
We have no need for imaginary mountain ranges
Between separate nations.
We can make tunnels through the real ones.
Nor do we have any need for the continuing division of people
Into those who have what they need
And those who don’t.
Both Fuller and Marshal McLuhan
Knew, furthermore
That work is now obsolete.
We have invented machines to do it for us.
Now that we have no need to do anything
What shall we do?
Looking at Fuller’s geodesic world map
We see that the Earth is a single island, Oahu.
We must give all the people all they need to live
In any way they wish.
Our present laws protect the rich from the poor.
If there are to be laws, we need ones that
Begin with the acceptance of poverty as a way of life.
We must make the world safe for poverty Without dependence on government.
Gak Find Fire 8 (finally)
I think we need to make whites whiter and coloureds brighter.
That aint racist at all eh?!?
Keep us in your dreams. Press the right buttons and see more of this.
Sinister Cock-Roache
Listening to Blind Guardian Mirror Mirror as this goes up. BOOM!
Sunday, 23 February 2014
Highway Driving and a warning to fuck hole dick fuck road users
People drive on the left in my part of the world.
Recently went on a big car journey and am utterly flabbergiberred by the fact that many road users are fucked in the head beyond repair.
Zip merge for example doesn't ever mean stop, or slow down and give way, neither of those will do it at 110km/h Just stay constant grow balls and drive forward until the land ends flash an idicator and flip off the cunt trying to get up your arse.
I had 4 dipshits stop and freak the fuck out instead of merging succesfully. I firmly follow safely behind the nearest road user by 100 or so meters more if the speed is up higher. In case I need to slam brakes on and not die. Some people don't seem to have this part of there brain and follow way to close.
I always brake erratically and changed speeds like a spastic if some is on my arse when I was doing 110km/h, unless you intend to overtake me at double white lines on a blind corner I am gonna fuck with you until you back off or try to get passed and cause an accident .
We all need to obey highway driving rules so we all get to our destinations alive and relaxed.
Get fucked and die useless road users. If I see you on the road again you can count on me fucking up your day you cunt, you know who you are.
Just coz you have an SUV doesn't mean I care if you crash and burn. In fact if you cause an accident that endangers me, my friends/family or other road users, I will pull over, I won't call an ambulance. I will however slit your throat and laugh as you die you piece of shit.
You've been warned.
Sinister Cock-Roache
Friday, 21 February 2014
An Amazing New Invention: Outsourced from the Country
This artwork was creatively unleashed by Ben the Butcher from the Bay.
Quite sensible in fact. Get yours now.
Seriously though, stick a cocktail umbrella up your jacksie then blow a load, make sure you have the camera ready.
Post pics to our facebook page and you might get a reward.
Toodle doodles.
Sinister Cock-Roache
Thursday, 20 February 2014
Review: An Evening With John Cleese
Hullo there lads, lasses, lezzies, loopies and loons. Oh and Queermos'.
Went and saw John Cleese at the Historique Theatre Royale last night and boy was it great.
John looked old and I needed to take a shit, so that was fun. Luckily enough we were surrounded by seeping geriatrics so I was able to fart my way through the show, desperately wriggling in my seat so as not to accidentally shit my pants.
The show itself was very good and of an appropriate length.
I especially liked the bit where people whistled and cheered the video footage of the man far more than the live man himself. Perfect as always. Fuck you Tassie!
Am I the only person who finds wolf whistling and woop wooping a bit retarded, especially in regard to 40 odd year old footage. Maybe I need to get amongst it more, meh!?!
Sinister Cock-Roache.
Like-share-comment or masturbate with sandpaper I don't give 2 fucks you dicks.
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
What happens when convict scum get democracy?!?! Tone The Bone Happens!!!
Try to vote responsibly. Don't drink and vote.
Do you get the government you deserve in a real democracy you do, but I think this is one case of dumb retard luck on behalf of the current AUS PM. How the fuck did he get in?
Didn't they pay any attention to this fucktard over the last 20 odd years in AUS politics. Keating describes him as the Liberal parties "resident nutter" let's put him in charge shall we.
Most Aussies are like well he aint no red head woman.. But ax youselfs, was she all that bad, despite wearing the wrong clothes all the time and being relentlessly bullies by the domineering masculine oligarchy that controls every facet of life in this our world..
Go team.
Sinister Cock-Roache.
Woah, the year's gettin aways from us.
Quickly now, before the others wake up...
It's been hard to get things done, what with these phony Demons from the Hollow earth and Martian slug cunts telling us what to do and how to think and that.
Blast these imposter reptiles giving us honest hard working "actual" hard core daemons from actual Hell. The real Hell that is!
How are we going to take over the mortal plane when everyone here is too stupid to realise that the imposters have already taken power from you.
The fucking Queen is a lizard. And so is everyone in any reasonably powerful position. Not only that but they are masquarading as daemonic entities when they're clearly terrestrial and holographic in nature.
For those who care, watch the skies at night for the blood moon to rise. The prophecy is come, and hell will return to the Earth for a true eternal darkeness.
FYI, don't believe the lies in the media and don't listen to people in general, none of 'em know nothing and that so there.
Much more exciting shit to come this year as I experiment with fatherhood and working to support a new family. Bunch of useless layabouts they are.
Also if you is Tasmanian and You vote for anyone who is not the great wizard or grand dragon. I will find you and laugh at you while the police state rounds you up for your own protection and executes you alla Hitlerman.
Till the future when we suffer less...
Sinister Cock-Roache
It's been hard to get things done, what with these phony Demons from the Hollow earth and Martian slug cunts telling us what to do and how to think and that.
Blast these imposter reptiles giving us honest hard working "actual" hard core daemons from actual Hell. The real Hell that is!
How are we going to take over the mortal plane when everyone here is too stupid to realise that the imposters have already taken power from you.
The fucking Queen is a lizard. And so is everyone in any reasonably powerful position. Not only that but they are masquarading as daemonic entities when they're clearly terrestrial and holographic in nature.
For those who care, watch the skies at night for the blood moon to rise. The prophecy is come, and hell will return to the Earth for a true eternal darkeness.
FYI, don't believe the lies in the media and don't listen to people in general, none of 'em know nothing and that so there.
Much more exciting shit to come this year as I experiment with fatherhood and working to support a new family. Bunch of useless layabouts they are.
Also if you is Tasmanian and You vote for anyone who is not the great wizard or grand dragon. I will find you and laugh at you while the police state rounds you up for your own protection and executes you alla Hitlerman.
Till the future when we suffer less...
Sinister Cock-Roache
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