Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Magic is Real.

Afternoon fellow morons.

Recently we have marathoned Avatar: The Last Airbender and are watching Legend of Korra slowly slowly... And like it's amazing, but, it also shows very clearly that there is and always has been magic here on Earth.

If you pay close attention you easily see how Bending is Kung Fu et al, and kung fu deals in chi and chi is mana. Anyone familiar with Blizzard Entertainment and such dungeon crawling fantasy games understands that mana is magic, magicka etc.

The masters of Kung Fu and other martial/meditation arts have the ability through will and concentration, to control and manipulate their chi in amazing, dumbfounding ways.

Have you ever seen a man start a fire with chi energy...  omg this changes everything, humans are energetic and spiritual beings capable of extreme feats and magical acts.

I guess the only thing left to  say is, you, we, everybody that wants to stay alive after the NWO makes its big play needs to learn bending, through Chi control. It is our only defence against the evil magicks being used against us by technologically superior reptiles. (Technology, sufficiently advanced has the appearance of magic, Isaac Asimov.) But humans have a connection through soul/spirit and can tap into the infinite pool of magic energy that creates the universe and is the unifying 'force' of all that is and will be.

Keep it real guys, I and all of us here at HTI are heavily into Qi Gong and Hung Gar Kung Fu right now. We want to be Earth benders like Toph, so fucking awesome.

Be sure to check by tomorrow for more new stuff and an interesting article on the etiquette of rape is coming soon so be ready for it.

Much love and cum shots.

Sinister Cock-Roache

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