Thursday, 28 November 2013

The Meaning of Life?

Greetings fiends.
Got a bit obsessed with Avatar: the last airbender. Lost in the moment we focus on Toph and this cartoon is the mutated result.

The Meaning of Life is a topic. One that provokes much comment from all places.

The Journey is key, the destination is empty. What is experienced, and experience itself gives life meaning. Absence of experience however can provide meaning as well.

Life means what you want it to mean, we give things meaning by thinking and experiencing them. Thus we give life its meaning by living it.

The meaning of l ife could well be found in the death of life, or that both nothing and everything are equally important and unimportant to the quest for meaning.

So there!


Wednesday, 27 November 2013

The Etiquette of Demon (sic) Rape

At long last. For your entertainment and further education, a treatise concerning the Etiquette of Demon Rape. We hope you find this information useful and advantageous in the coming eternity of torment.

A proper greeting sets the tone and forms the basis of the aggressor victim bond, there are numerous examples of how to do this, but a popular and polite way is to gently introduce who you are and state your intent: for example; "Good Morning, my names is... and these are my acquaintances ... and we will be your rapists today"

Continuing on from this it is god to, on first encountering the victims, to gently ease them into the situation... "ok, lets just go ahead now and overwhelm you with force .. and there we are, now would you prefer your limbs broken or bound for todays session sir?" 

Always be polite, you are not here to torment victims with rudeness and shoddy behaviour. Never forget that you are the aggressor, yet it is still important to communicate your intent clearly, the victims are people with real feelings and there torment is eternal (however try not to forget that the victim is in fact subhuman and deserves nothing but to be repeatedly violated),

It is important to note that at the core of this, the victim must never be consenting and all aggressor actions must be made against the victims will. It just isn't rape otherwise. Without the consent of the victim go ahead and surprise them or use elements of fear and terrorism to remove all consent.

Leave them conscious and aware... You do know how don't you? Always meet the victims eyes and whisper something memorable to them as you go. Future trauma is still trauma.

Never where a condom, you can't get nor can you spread disease even if you wanted, it is not your job. The mutant spawn are the very product of these rapes.

Opportunities for public rapes should be taken at will. Keep it short and dramatic. Go Big! This is always impressive top display your skills and prowess over the weak and pathetic.

Raping the victim to death is murder at which point they will merely reincarnate with no memory back into there cells. We want them to remember everything we do to them and never have time to forget the last violation before we begin the next. Is it that hard?!

Bear in mind the rule of 3. This is the ratio that must be applied at all times of rape. Basically either 1 Demon rapes 1 victim 3 times or 3 demons rape 1 victim once each. Never 3 victims, never 3 rapists 3 times etc etc.

Thanks for paying attention, happy raping.
Go get em tiger!

Sinister Cock-Roache

Monday, 25 November 2013

All Computers Have Paint!

How good is paint. Seriously!

Just now realise how much it has meant to me over the years.

So. Anyway.

Tomorrow is the big day.


Thursday, 21 November 2013

Quiet Friday

Anthropomorphic toons are nifty. The colours on this aren't right to my eye but, we will be putting a collection of these sorts of things together in the next year so we will play with it a bit more yet.
He is totally sharp, or Mack the Knife,  I  feel he might be some sort of bipolar effeminate gay character for a later series.
Only time will tell.
The weather is fine and HellTown Gardens are in need of a good bashing, here goes.
Have fun team, check by tomorrow for more awesomeness.
Feel free to post some ideas for this character, or an others really. It may just be the ticket.
Sin Cock

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Magic is Real.

Afternoon fellow morons.

Recently we have marathoned Avatar: The Last Airbender and are watching Legend of Korra slowly slowly... And like it's amazing, but, it also shows very clearly that there is and always has been magic here on Earth.

If you pay close attention you easily see how Bending is Kung Fu et al, and kung fu deals in chi and chi is mana. Anyone familiar with Blizzard Entertainment and such dungeon crawling fantasy games understands that mana is magic, magicka etc.

The masters of Kung Fu and other martial/meditation arts have the ability through will and concentration, to control and manipulate their chi in amazing, dumbfounding ways.

Have you ever seen a man start a fire with chi energy...  omg this changes everything, humans are energetic and spiritual beings capable of extreme feats and magical acts.

I guess the only thing left to  say is, you, we, everybody that wants to stay alive after the NWO makes its big play needs to learn bending, through Chi control. It is our only defence against the evil magicks being used against us by technologically superior reptiles. (Technology, sufficiently advanced has the appearance of magic, Isaac Asimov.) But humans have a connection through soul/spirit and can tap into the infinite pool of magic energy that creates the universe and is the unifying 'force' of all that is and will be.

Keep it real guys, I and all of us here at HTI are heavily into Qi Gong and Hung Gar Kung Fu right now. We want to be Earth benders like Toph, so fucking awesome.

Be sure to check by tomorrow for more new stuff and an interesting article on the etiquette of rape is coming soon so be ready for it.

Much love and cum shots.

Sinister Cock-Roache

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

People of Note 1

Howdy team.

Today's article is the first in a series about people that we have met and become friendly with over the years. These are people whose outlook on life has intrigued us to say the least and in some cases we think that maybe they ought to come back with us when this reality ends for humans and other lame 3rd dimensional entities.

So today's person of note is Thomas, and this is his story:

Thomas is a man person, he likes to wear shiny black leather shoes that reflect the light as he walks. He enjoys the feeling of grey cotton jumpsuits against his soft white skin. Thomas is going bald, but he doesn't mind. He likes his shiny black shoes, he feels that he might enjoy owning his own shiny bald head. One day that is.

For now Thomas is content with the feeling of his grey jumpsuit against his soft white skin. Thomas had a job once at the chip shop. He lost this job after he mistakenly chipped his neighbours dead cat. He isn't allowed to cook food anymore, ever again according to the judges orders.

Now Thomas has a shiny bald head, he likes his shiny black leather shoes and he still wears his grey cotton jumpsuit that feels nice against his skin.

Thomas collects dead things. He keeps them in a stained box under his bed. He likes to smell them fester in his sleep. His walls grow moss in patterns he painted with the liquid that seeped from the dead creatures under his bed.

Thomas lives in the pillow room now. White coat people treat him well. He still likes his shiny black shoes and his grey cotton jump suit still feels nice against his skin.

Thanks for visiting we hope you enjoy this series of articles, such as they are. Please subscribe, like and share or just hit g+ buttons or the other buttons. You know how don't you?

Sinister Cock-Roache, 

Btw more support = more free and amazing content daily. Cheers.

Monday, 18 November 2013

Children Are People 2.


Just so you all know; children are people not possessions, you gave birth to a person not an object yeah?

These little people grow into big people and it's your job as birth giver to provide for and nurture not parade and show off.

Also don't live through your children, your old give up and shut up.

Lots of love

Sinister C-R

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Welcome Back Monday

Happy Monday gang.

I once watched a documentary about penises and penis envy/ other issues and stuff. Good info, and worth a look whether you have a cock or not. "My Penis and I (2005) and "My Penis and everybody else's" (2007) on You tube. But there are two by the same guy, Lawrence Barraclough, check it out, brilliant stuff.

He kinda looks like he might be the dude from United States of Tara, the sister's baby daddy.

Basically the whole thing is about measuring up to expectations of your own and others. Covers things like, being too small to medically have a penis, getting a bigger penis through surgery pills and stretching and a whole bunch of other nifty and interesting things.

Once dude on the doco has the largest penis in the world, he can't fuck anyone and has to sit down to piss with his dick very much in the water. Fucked up, but the guy is so happy to show you his dick eh.

Anyway, thought this might spice up your Monday.

Have fun whilst you can.

Sinister Cock-Roache.

Saturday, 16 November 2013

HellTown Intl. Beerfest 2013

Howdy team.

Things couldn't have gone better for us yesterday.

Breakfast was perfect. Chef's mushrooms and tomatoes are beyond compare on Earth.

Beerfest went awesome. So many brews, so many peeps and so much foods.

Each of us had 10 free tokens to squander on Micro brewery ale, stout cider. There were even big companies around pushing there new and innovative products.

Top stop by far for the Big Guys was Kirin.. Fucking new ciders are amazing check em out.

Pagan cider drew crowd 2nd place for their cherry and crab apple cider.  Then there was Beach Hut  which I think was like  wheat brews and that. Phenomenal stuff.

For food, the chickpea burger and braised beef from Rain Check were too good and the fresh Churros with syrup and sugar kept the party coming back for more. (bratwurst and national pies 4 me! Ed.)

Overall a stunning day in the sun. No work of any kind was done, but we had a great deal of fun. If you saw us there and didn't get a photo op, sux to be you. 

The HellTown Team will see you at your place soon, don't fret.

Sinister Cock-Roache

Friday, 15 November 2013

Stylish saturday Beerfest

Check by tomorrow for 2nd part.

And how beerfest went. Breakfast is ruling hardcore right now.

Sin Cock

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Beerfest Breakfast 10 am Staurday HQ

Hi there gang.
Todays cartoon is the 2nd part to yesterdays. So cute.
I wrote too much yesterday so only a short one today. 
For those who are interested the company chef is cooking up a storm tomorrow for our Beerfest breakfast. Sourdough toast, eggs, bacon, sausage, baked tomatoes, potato rosti's and slow cooked garlic mushrooms.
It sounds fantastic. Mouths are watering, 10 am Saturday at HQ.  All the gang will be there and at Beerfest from 12 -5.
Come along to Breakfast and Beerfest and enjoy the sun and fun. Fucken Ace Bruzzy.
Sinister Cock-Roache.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Survivabilty Quotient to be expressed as a percentage.


Today I thought we'd take a look at how we can utilise our brains to put together a percentage figure to express how likely it is that an individual will survive a life threatening or apocalyptic scenario of some sort.

To start with we need to discuss our Basic Energy Surplus (BES); as a figure between 1-99. BES represents our individual level of fitness, strength, endurance and physical thresholds. For example a professional athlete's BES would be perhaps within the 90s due to their training regimes and fitness levels. A couch slob would be in the low 20s or so, lack of exercise and endurance capability.

Basing our mathematics around hours of strenuous activity, passive activity and sleep in 5 days 120hrs. My hours of strenuous activity in 5 days = 45(physical job as a baker + work out regime) passive activity = 50 (drawing, cleaning and house life stuff) sleep =25

95 hours active (strenuous and passive are mostly =)  25 hours asleep per 120 hours/5days= BES of 79.17%. Pretty high here which is good but not everything.

Keep this in mind but, now we move to our Level of Acceptable Deprivation (LAD%) . LAD refers to the other aspects of our lives the inner bits. Caloric intake, cold/heat/pain thresholds and tolerances, resistance to disease and poison, stress and how the environment impacts our body and soul.

To put some maths on the table for this one we first break it into 4 categories: Environment, food., stress and comfort. Now we express these as best we can as a figure between out of 25, lower being better for SQ.

For me I live in relatively cosy environs, but I can and have roughed it and often but am far from outdoorsy, so 15 / 25 for environment.

I don't eat more than 1 meal a day and get by being hungry quite well, so I'd be 10 if I ate more than 3 meals and was full often the number would be 20 or so.

I work under pressure all the time and have a pretty stressful lifestyle and I cope very well. 5.

Comfort is the most subjective of the four and I don't like the term that much (not so apt) but refers essentially to how into our little creature comforts you ate, shaving, chocolate, beauty sleep, peaceful alone time. The good things in life. I indulge quite some in life so 20 for me here.

In total out of 100 I get a respectable 50.
Overall LAD% of  50% so bung on average despite my best efforts, but not all that bad, Joe Average lives long.

For our final Survivability Quotient we must take BES% and LAD %.
 50/79.17    =   SQ  63.16%

Therefore in all fairness I have an above average chance of surviving a life threating or apocalyptic scenario.

Thanks for reading guys.

If you have better maths than this please let me know as this is very important research and we must take it very seriously.

Cheers again.

Sinister Cock-Roache (may not survive everything and anything after all, bum)

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

How Humans Have Failed

Afternoon chaps.

We thought it was about time we let you know how exactly your species has failed at almost everything. Crazily you guys still don't understand how fucked up you have been and are still being. What follows is a loose collection of ramblings that we all agree are excellent examples of your utter failure.

Let's briefly check the environmental record, and wait... no, yep, it's fucked. Well done! You failed excellent so far and are showing very little signs of changing as a collective whole that is... No one cares if 'you' is carbon neutered or sustainable lifestyled, India and China are not and neither is the USA. So whatever you do is frankly piss all.

Know that you are by and large speciest and have terrible value sets. How haven't you violated other humans rights and abused this or that. Even a meagre existence has tremendous unseeable consequences. This is the fundamental problem with your being.

Unfair treatment is all the rage... fail. Fuck, each case on its merits, cheese wiz. How fucking entitled are the vast majority of you, even when you are trying to be humble and meek, you can't do it ever! FAIL!

There's also the flawed belief in your superiority over the planet, where you should be rather beholden to it and awed by it in its glory. But you aint. Fail! Plunder some resources, be all high and mighty super righty. With a sprinkling o' fascist global rape as the cost of progress.

Humans have undergone very slow mental changes and have simultaneously suffered rapid physical devolution. Awaken and grow your ideas up into the higher planes of being. We really don't got nuthin' else to do here and that so why not yo?

Thanks for being here and clicking all the buttons and soaking up the screen radiation. It was nice of you.

Now, go rescue a kitten, or a puppy or a homeless. It's about time. Be a god on earth and create change now!

Sinister Cock-Roache and the human host.

Monday, 11 November 2013

Overeducated Scumbags

Right so. Straight to it.

It occurs to me that there are a number of people out there in the wider worlds who have become somewhat overeducated.  These people sometimes have multiple degrees or whatnots, can speak other languages and know things about stuff. But they suck at putting it all into practice as society would have intended.

Numerous overeducated scumbags are hipsters, some are punks or rappers or rockers or whatever. They are creative artists that can barely pay the bills. These people have perhaps failed at there professional careers and have become internet cartoonists or fine artists in general.

These scumbags like to challenge political and social viewpoints and have discovered that the key to a life is happiness and wellbeing.  they find coping with the idiot regime stressful and as a result are referred to as disconnected loonies or antisocial, when they are far from this.

Perhaps they have too many opinions and have too much fun living their lives and as a result are undervalued as members of society, which is kinda dumb and sucky.

There are many ways to be successful and live happily, working for the corporate machine as a junior clerk sounds like shit. Having a fulltime job of any kind is a bit silly, unless of course you work for yourself trying to create something new and fun.

Keep on dreaming Suzie.
Sinister Cock-Roache

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Monday Madness Oh Yeah!


Sup doods.

Here's the anecdotes regarding my awkward encounters with celebrities.

System of a Down. I met these guys at Melbourne airport during the Big Day Out Tour 04 I think. I chatted at them as they unloaded their bus and got their shit together for the flight to wherever. Darren and Serj were so cool, and were good humoured as I flapped like a mad cunt. Was so happy for days.

Metallica: This was a less nice experience that SOAD, I saw James chilling with Kirk and some other blokes, so I'm like, fucking run and bow down, but then an army of security got to me first and got me to the ground. Apparently there was a line and stuff, Hetfield was coming  back from taking a piss and I thought he was just chilling with Kirk, I were wrong. He did laugh at me as I was dragged away. SO that's a win. YAY.

NOFX: Tried to sneak onto their truck, unsuccessful. Mr Mike seemed unimpressed and might even have sworn at me but I feel justified. And I didn't get photo or autographs at all ever from them. Great show but.

I never think far enough ahead to ask for photos etc, it is a bit rude, especially since I  just ran up to them screaming like a retard, what would you expect.

Until tomorrow... Keep scratching.


Saturday, 9 November 2013

Aging Population of an Island State.

Hey Team. It's time to solve the aging population problem, just like we did in Hell.  Coax those relatives into the car and drop 'em over at the "centre for the old and soft." It's Free and fun to do, over and over again... Yay.

On a more serious note, (musically) I wanted to list some of the bands and musicians I have seen in concert and met in person, however awkwardly. Basically 2 zippy lists and tomorrow we will give some anecdotes and more list of artists we like to listen to in the office or whatever. Cool.

Seen in Concert:
  1. Metallica
  2. The Rolling Stones
  3. KISS
  4. Blind Guardian
  5. The Living End.
  6. Spiderbait
  7. The Herd
  8. Joe Cocker
  9. AC/DC
  10. NOFX
  11. Psycroptic
  12. BloodDuster
Met in Person (however awkwardly)
  1. System of a Down
  2. Metallica (James and Kirk)
  3. NOFX (Fat Mike)

Purty cool huh. Obviously this is an incomplete list, Pub bands and shit bands don't really count.

Stay tuned tomorrow for Anecdotes regarding my awkward fan boy encounters.

Sinister Cock-Roache

Friday, 8 November 2013

Mc Happy Day


Is Mc Happy Day today so, lets not buy burgers lets help a homeless or a sick person instead.

Coz that would be better than the alternative surely.

Macca's and the big Macs contribute more negative effects to society that they could ever undo, whether Mc Happy Day was every day, nor if they returned every dollar made back into charitable and community programs. I'm sure with Macca's net earnings put to better use we could well see world peace by next Friday.

Anyway, keep sucking at the teat of ignorance and don't bitch to me when your fucked and bleeding at the side of the road.

Sinister Cock_Roache

Thursday, 7 November 2013

10 Side Effects of 3rd Dimensional Existence!

Greetings Grecian. I am known as all that is and will be. I am.
If u guys didn't already know, the team here at HellTown Industries are (shock horror) all interdimensional beings of great daemonic spirit power. Der, we is from Hell!
We dropped our vibrational frequencies on arrival through our portals eh. So here we are, in the "now" stuck in a flesh covered skeleton that has a very different existence all together.
So far we have come to understand numerous pitfalls that we are only now aware. There are 10 main side effects and problems:
  1. The need to sleep! - Seriously what is this bullshit. Doing stuff and then all of  a sudden fall down and go still for 14 hours, the fuck!
  2. Physical exertion = slowness! - and this turtally leads back to the sleep thing, weird huh?
  3. Eating out of need and getting hungry!-  We devour for pleasure alone, odd to be full of food, becoming fat and sluggish and getting...
  4. Sick! The fuck is this shit. Vomitting, shitting, pussing sweating erghgh! So many cause, feel so badnesses!
  5. Sex and that are not at all the same!!!- because sex has nothing to do with reproduction and everything to do with pain and power!
  6. Money is useful.- slow and awkward lessons were learnt and relearnt.
  7. Other Meatbags are not only not part of us but are somehow wholly alone and different to us.
  8. These Meatbags have there own sets of rules and that makes it all too confusing. Some of them are really quite good at being us.
  9. Gravity. I said it. There! Why is it so constant and so much. It impedes literally everything in this reality for fucks sake. Do something already. Gosh!
  10. Emotional activity in the brain. Still trying to figure out why all of these things are zapping around in there. Meatbags eat, sleep fuck and die so why all the business upstairs?
That about wraps it up for today Grecian. This has sure been an experience. The future holds so many wonders for us a we continue living here in the 3rd dimensional plane with yous.
11. time . I nearly forgot this. Very tricky little concept, but fits in neatly with the other 10 constructs we think.
Cheers and thanks for everything peeps

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

New Gak Find Fire

Hey Kiddies.
7th instalment of Gak Find Fire. Plenty left to go so keep posted.
It's very important to us here at HellTown Industries to keep our audience informed and entertained on a daily basis. We go out of our way to have astonishing gossip and brilliant art.
Feel free to email your ideas in and develop a dialogue with us so we can both create more and better things.
Thanks a lot to all the people who have visited and supported us please keep doing so. Share share share. Everything is better when more of us are involved.
As far as free content goes you get what you pay for. Interact more and you get more... Fucking simple shit face!!!
Sinister Cock-Roache.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Please the Pain.

Zazel from accounts has written a poem during night school, bettering his skills with language and that. Here is the poem, hope you find it writing.

With brand new sight I see
The World's Anatomy,
The universe of tensions, stress and release.
Reflecting in all upon its face.
Neither darkness, nor light
Neither joy nor blight.

Empty fullness consumes and covers
and converts to all.
Gentle destruction of life and rebirth.
Wither pale and flee
beyond the grave.
A wise man is poor yet the poor
be not too wise.
The cousin of life, shuttered fettered death.
Malady, rise in occasions to sink in flight.
A feather's touch multiplied in emptiness an infinity
of breathless impulse severed clean.
Over done. blown on course.
The end is beginning and the beginning never was.
Matter to matter fact.
Born a free slave to life, in living darkness death
Pointed fear.
Screaming silence heard by deaf ears.
Lands meld, collide apart as one.
Flash in the pond, toad oblivious knows best.
Keep mum to all hear the life flow.
Eat your hunger and please the pain.
The circle spins and twisted, it turns.
On and on to nothing all comes.
Wooded sky clearest night.
Universe shone to one.
A symphony of regret.
Beseech a life of bitterest joy, abide.
Slip away for understanding knowledge.
Close up and see the truth rides
through whilst infinity spoils.
Those classes are paying off. Soon he will learn to rhyme and that and yeah. Will be good to see more from Zazel as he improves with his night school courses.

Monday, 4 November 2013

How To Be A Good Purson!

Hullo Kiddies!  Today I am going to talk about being nice. Or How To Be  a Good Person in particular.

Follow these rules:
  1. Don't Be A Dick To Peeps.
  2. Be Kind to others
  3. Show Charity and that
  4. Smile and be happy and sweet and joyful
  5. Don't hang with a bad crew
  6. Beware of Moral Ambushes by those who are preaching moral awesome over you
  7. Fuck them.
  8. Ignore these rules and just do what you like, if you want it done to you.
  9. Try anal, both ways at least once... then you'll know!
  10. Involve yourself in other peoples business and try to solve their problems all the time.
Hope you endeavour to follow these simple rules and find the happiness and blah you blah...

Azrael "the Supervisor" Voldstrom (staff relations)

Sunday, 3 November 2013

New Democracy, Brand's Revolution.

Paid attention to the newsies lately? There's been a bit of hoopla and nonsense surrounding Mr Russel Brand's "Revolution"

The interview showed Brand in not a positive light. IMHO he comes off as a dick. Cutting the interviewer off and just not really saying anything else new, merely repeating his previous points.

The main sticking issue is, if not Democracy then what? Revolutions end in better circumstances than they begin always?

Just pausing to think about Alternatives to Democracy, we discover that really there's is only democracy... but better democracy to be had.

New Democracy: How does it differ?
  • Must be global and involve all earths people.
  • Must be equally beneficial to all.
  • Fairness and Equality need to be key components.
  • Completely representative and simple to participate in.

How can it work? The internet age technologies need to be fully utilised via mobile platforms and interactive instant services for voting etc. In regard to resource distribution, it can be polled online and voted into practice based on statistical needs and personal regards, instantly online.

This global access would require very definite central control, through a UN like peace keeping police body. Responsible exclusively for law and order. Perhaps a drugged populace would be better for this purpose however.

The economy needs to be governed as a separate entity from law and order and civil safety and health etc. With its own Governing body under the same global instant online democratic server.

The problem with this new system  is much like the pre-revolutionary.... Mightily flawed, human factors. There are still doomed sheeple fed lies and kept in the dark by the powerful oligarchy and oppressive regulations and responsibilities as citizens of Earth.

Before all of this we have to not only eradicate war, but do away with ideas of difference and betterness. Easy!

Russel Brand is not the greatest choice for this "Revolution". He is wealthy, he is one of the few who has actually met the Queen (what would David Icke think?) And then Alan Jones gets involved and blah... BS!!

Bow to a God Emperor and be forever grateful to be alive in the grim darkness of the universe.

Sinister Cock-Roache.

Saturday, 2 November 2013

HellTown Strip 2

We do know how to put things in boxes here at HTI. We resist it, but might do it every now and then you know in an artistic way. As a metaphor perhaps.

Lots of art means lessts of texts. Bye bye.


Friday, 1 November 2013

Envirobag Giveaway, Save a Planet!

Starting the week with a quick report from Nurglor Master of the Environments. (Ed.)

The focus today is on the planet earth and plastic bags... They are bad, choking up the dolphins and crabs. Eating all the whales and that.

It is very important that now that many places have banned plastic bags, that we all pitch in and recycle every last one of them into Plarn and make longer lasting and stylish products with them. Google plarn bags and sandals to get the picture.

Reuse before anything else. Here at HTI we have pushed and pushed to get our own line of awesome reusable long lasting inter-dimensional envirobags.

They are made of cotton canvas and have a sewn/embroidied not painted design.

Awesome huh? You can get yours by submitting by email and giving us your energy and help contribute to more free content for all.

Thank you for letting me do this... It means a lot to me and that...

Nurglor Master of the Environments (Team Leader, Eco-Squad HTI)

Get it Harder At HellTown Industries

Super Sexy Chat @ HellTown Industries