Thursday, 4 July 2013

The Process is Dead

Most boring tritone ever!
Afternoon/Evening blah.

Today I was going to write about my process, how I get to this point from a scrap of paper. But I have been reading a few other blogs and can see that this sort of arty/technical/business type stuff has been discussed to death almost.
I realise that essentially I have nothing revolutionary to contribute to the art world etc. Especially since the time I got my first scanner etc and before. Not new at all.
What do I have to offer? A particular sense of style, humour, philosophy and art. Can't you tell? The art speaks for itself, anyone could pull off what I do with similar success and result, but it will never be the same.
 I have been likened in style to children's art, the works of intelligent apes and elephants and disturbed vandals, this is no mistake. I like to keep an idea very raw, and then clump them together as they come to me, sort of stream of consciousness or automatic cartooning. Often these pages are then inked and coloured and published without much more fiddling other than erasing some bad lines, note I miss a few "good" lines. I like to leave it a bit rough and unclean in general, gives it more of an unhinged character.
Humour is very subjective, some people don't laugh at all, so fuck em. It doesn't worry me what it is that people find funny in my  work because lots of people see lots of different things funny with each of my cartoons. Intended or not, it's all the same and I'll take it.
Enough pretentious wanking on. Please share this post with other's who might need to open their eyes a bit.  Do me a favour and help other artists see that after all the mumbo jumbo we are all just  people!
Follow me tomorrow into another topic as I try to separate my blog from the cartoony, arty pack and settle on something new and interesting to discuss.


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