Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Conspiracy "A"

An introduction to Mr Jackson CEO of HellTown Tobacco Inc.
Hallo team pleased to be back in the real world after a day of binge drinking and excessive drug use.

`Today I am going to shed a bit of light on the subject of conspiracy theories and what I think is conspiracy A or the most likely / realistic unretarded conspiracy out there. As you may already know the conspiracy field is overflowing with ridiculous bullshit, but occasionally you get a gleam of real truth in them.
9/11 the inside job is just one that has a lot of 'evidence' and good coverage wouldn't be at all surprised by this being true.
Most of the NWO stuff seems like it might be true ish, I mean you can see plain as day that the Governments of the world are fucked up, the economies fucked up, the environments fucked up and the NWO explains most every piece of bull shit legislation for the last 50 years plus.
These I consider fairly likely, however both of these theories eventually end up as one and the same , and then aliens get involved... At this point they lose most credibility, I mean grey aliens under reptilian control, pretending to be nice for mankind but are in fact evil/ luciferians from a parallel dimension. For real, there are people who spend money to convince us that this is what is true.
I don't know, as I say the top 2 are at least plausible. Why do they have to come up with connexions for everything under one theory of everything. Can't happen.
Anywho. Please follow the debate that will rage amongst the pages of this blog, Share what needs to be shared, click on the special buttons and help me out a bit. Also , don't forget to comment I want to knpw, WHAT IS YOUR CONSPIRACY "A",
Stay tuned tomorrow for the "B" level conspiracies that surely can't be right at all....
Cheers, Bye bye..  YAY!

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