Hey team.
You may have noticed no new posts last few days. I am officially on holiday from blogging, that is until I have caught up with my slightly more lucrative work.
In other words I will be spending my days hunched over a fucking desk with a million pencils colouring and blending and colouring and blending. Awesome. However in two weeks or so, there will be a whole fuck tun of new pencil art to browse, in a fucking book muther fuckers yo!?
Taking orders now. Email me for your exclusive copy of HellTown Industries Presents: Visions of Hell a pencil collection.
Thanks for the support. Follow me on facebook for general updates and keep checking in with the blog, you never know, I think I'll still be posting maybe twice a week or so, but then I'll be back with a mutherfucken vengeance.
Think of me when you cum.

Minimalist and whimsical bizarre, off-beat, adult-blue cartoon humour at its finest. Set in a universe parallel to our own. Populated with daemonic entities, malignantly possessed objects, blinded prophets and doomed souls of all shapes and sizes. Welcome to HellTown… Where everything is nothing and nothing is everything.
- Goss From Da Boss!
- What Is This Shit And Why Should I Care?!
- Gak Find Fire
- Hell Town Cartoon Demon (sic) pencil Panels
- Cartoon Demons (sic) Collection Volume #1
- Cartoon Demons (sic) Collection Volume #2
- Cartoon Demons (sic) Adventures In HellTown.
- The Adventures of the Little Men
- General Humour and Artistic Stuff
- HellTown Industries Photo Archive
- Contacts
- Buy Books
Thursday, 18 July 2013
Tuesday, 16 July 2013
Stationary, stationery, stationaryrie
Yo, this is an eraser hey.
One day you could by an eraser like this, and a whole bunch of other lame arse products.
Keep in touch, follow, share like and comment if you will. I will be expanding upon my stationery designs over the weeks and years.
Drop me a line if you reckon it could sell or you could sell it.
Dunno, I think HTI pencil cases and stuff would be cool. Fuck what anyone else thinks eh.
Cool as chips.
Seeyaz tomoz.
Monday, 15 July 2013
Tetris fun
Hey peeps
Just thought I'd let you know how much I love Tetris. It is by far the most addictive fucking game on the face of the planet. I must have put hundreds of hours into perfecting my play style. Man I score like 45,000 points now when I play I'm like a fucking Jedi.
ANy way , Tetris rules Googles free tetris beat 45,000 points then we can talk tetris like men.
Cheers, have a good day .
Don't forget to follow, share and like my work. The bigger the audience the better, I fucking hate busting my arse for no fucken reward, if anything just look at my pages 2 times a day, fuck it won't kill ya.
Not that I'm bitter or twisted, just quit smoking like 3 days ago and I don't seem to have it together just yet, die fuckers....
I mean, see you guys tomorrow till then eat bugs?!
Sunday, 14 July 2013
Gak find fire issue 4
Afternoon. Gak is getting close to finding fire, stay tuned next week to find out if he does.
Please follow, share, subscribe like and or comment, or whatever takes your fancy. Not that it matters much, but fuck how much effort does it take eh.
Anyway , I was going to begin the week discussing down syndrome but however I feel that recent news needs to be commented upon.
George Zimmerman is a fuck head and should be hung drawn and quartered and so should all of his racist bigoted supporters. No one is above the fucking law.
Burn in hell fuck hole.
On that note, get fucked if your a yank and you own a gun and hate people.
Lots of luv
Sinister CockCroach, denizen of the seventh level of Hades.
Saturday, 13 July 2013
HellTown story strip erg!?
Sunday again, please follow, share, like and all of that.
I was gonna do an article too, but I will save it for tomoz I reckon.
Cool have a swell day guys.
Luz ya.
Friday, 12 July 2013
Other projects update: zombie and survivors
I have to shout out to Vampifan and the world of the undead, much inspired.
Anyway, here are some photos of my brilliantly sculpted and painted miniatures. Hope you like, please comment share and follow.
Making minis is awesome check out Vampifan's blog, so much stuff, omg.
Check yas tomorrow for sunday cartoons yay.
Lots of luv and puppy guts.
Anyway, here are some photos of my brilliantly sculpted and painted miniatures. Hope you like, please comment share and follow.
Making minis is awesome check out Vampifan's blog, so much stuff, omg.
Check yas tomorrow for sunday cartoons yay.
Lots of luv and puppy guts.
Thursday, 11 July 2013
Conspiracy "B"
Guerrilla fun at the beach.
So yesterday I shod some light on the likely sounding conspiracies that are about on the net.
Today, I am going to list conspiracies that are I think less likely to be true. The Zionist plots and their connexion with NWO.
Reptilians, greys and other alien species and the NWO. The royal family are lizards.
The whole heaven vs hell in real life. The existence of daemons actually controlling the music industry and banks. Jews are from space!
The more you read into conspiracy theories the more they get connected and then they all end up completely retarded.
Then there's the Olympics and 2012 stuff, August 2013 BS etc etc etc. It doesn't ever end. Oh WW3 and CIA terrorist insiders.
Skull and Bones, Illuminati. Ra ra.
Anyway Not that I said a lot about anything. I like to think that aliens are real, but they are nice.
Only time will tell on all of these theories, I think that less energy should be spent spinning this bullshit and a bit more time should be spent actually researching this stuff. It'll never happen.
Don't forget to add me, follow my articles and post a comment. Share share share. I'm not Alex Jones, I don't work for America in any way. I am a free citizen of the world and I exist amongst the denizens of the internet.
Cool, Seeya tomoz.
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
Conspiracy "A"
An introduction to Mr Jackson CEO of HellTown Tobacco Inc.
Hallo team pleased to be back in the real world after a day of binge drinking and excessive drug use.
`Today I am going to shed a bit of light on the subject of conspiracy theories and what I think is conspiracy A or the most likely / realistic unretarded conspiracy out there. As you may already know the conspiracy field is overflowing with ridiculous bullshit, but occasionally you get a gleam of real truth in them.
9/11 the inside job is just one that has a lot of 'evidence' and good coverage wouldn't be at all surprised by this being true.
Most of the NWO stuff seems like it might be true ish, I mean you can see plain as day that the Governments of the world are fucked up, the economies fucked up, the environments fucked up and the NWO explains most every piece of bull shit legislation for the last 50 years plus.
These I consider fairly likely, however both of these theories eventually end up as one and the same , and then aliens get involved... At this point they lose most credibility, I mean grey aliens under reptilian control, pretending to be nice for mankind but are in fact evil/ luciferians from a parallel dimension. For real, there are people who spend money to convince us that this is what is true.
I don't know, as I say the top 2 are at least plausible. Why do they have to come up with connexions for everything under one theory of everything. Can't happen.
Anywho. Please follow the debate that will rage amongst the pages of this blog, Share what needs to be shared, click on the special buttons and help me out a bit. Also , don't forget to comment I want to knpw, WHAT IS YOUR CONSPIRACY "A",
Stay tuned tomorrow for the "B" level conspiracies that surely can't be right at all....
Cheers, Bye bye.. YAY!
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
Away from the office
Today I am away. Smart phones are shit. Must buy a pad tablet. Or never leave the office. Oh well back to normal soon yay.
Monday, 8 July 2013
Hell Town Zoo: Location of interest
This cartoon is part of the locations of interest series. As you can see the zoo looks like agreat place to visit, all creatures great and small wander in an open setting.
Even the guests wander through the cageless zoo amongst the animals. Luckily today the only dangerous creatures about are the Daemoniraptor(top left) and the spiked Daemonobot( second from bottom left)
There's no safety zone or path or anything to speak of. The zoo animals just turn up on zoo property sometimes. The local area has taken legal action to stop trespassing creatures from entering homes and the like. Most homes have been emptied however due to the migratory nature of many herd animals, including Daemoniraptors.
Lock your doors.
Don't forget to follow this amazing blog as more of the Hell Town universe is explored. Be sure to share with your friends and comment if you like. Any way check out the little buttons on the bottom left and keep in touch.
Sunday, 7 July 2013
copy of Sociokatz picture.
Sorry dude, I couldn't help myself but copy your silhouette work. Hopefully you find that imitation is flattering and that.
Is it ok to copy other artists work as a way of giving them respect?
I think so, if you don't I'd like to hear your thoughts on the issue. I don't intend to sell this in any way merely to share.
This is an extra post out of ordinary.
Gak Find Fire 3
Yay. Like Gak and follow him next week he gets into more trouble. Oh my.
Don't be afraid to share with everyone and comment if you want to see Gak get into or out of any crazy situations.
Also I hope you will notice that I've organised some pages on my blog to put my toons in order. Down the track a bit these will be printed as mags or books we'll see how that goes. Keep following me and good things will come, maybe.
This week I am going to look at some conspiracies that I think might be real, a new little men and something tactless as well.
Ok, so quite a bit coming up this week, hope you enjoy.
Fuck Mondays.
Saturday, 6 July 2013
Sunday page
Smashed out a nice page here I think.
Can't be bothered writing much today, the top strip was inspired by Hagar. The rest aren't. This format could be a keeper. Maybe.
Anyways, keep following, and share with your other friends. If u like I don't mind if you want to share your feelings about this format with me.
Ok, have fun. Gak Tomorrow wooo wooo hhoooo!
See yas then.
Friday, 5 July 2013
Why Am I Doing This
I couldn't think of what CNUT could stand for, up to the reader.
Why am I doing this? Reason the first: Because I can, I really like the fact that I can create, draw, and publish for myself without having to format myself into a box as other artist may have to. The freedom to create my universe as I see fit and make it do what I want when I want. No Constraints.
Second reason: Content creation! Yep, I do this because it is! This is different to the previous reason coz like, um... The content itself is my reason for creating and publishing myself. I am my audience and I want to publish this or that for my own perverse reasons? Howzat?
Turd reason: Personal Catharsis. This is maybe the best reason for creating anything, it helps me be better at being me. I always feel really happy after publishing for the day, as well as when I smash a perfect idea or finish my lines yay. The satisfaction and the release I get as a cartoonist here is essential to why I do this.
Fourth Reason: Opening your eyes. I said before that I am my audience, whilst this holds true I do take measures to consider outside independent audiences. I hope with every post that more people start to follow me and share what they find interesting with friends on facebook and even join me their to further our relationship. I want people to see that humour will win out over all else as time will prove.
Also I just like to have my own site and lots of cartoons cached all over the net. It makes it easier to be awesome then.
Thursday, 4 July 2013
The Process is Dead
Most boring tritone ever!
Afternoon/Evening blah.
Today I was going to write about my process, how I get to this point from a scrap of paper. But I have been reading a few other blogs and can see that this sort of arty/technical/business type stuff has been discussed to death almost.
I realise that essentially I have nothing revolutionary to contribute to the art world etc. Especially since the time I got my first scanner etc and before. Not new at all.
What do I have to offer? A particular sense of style, humour, philosophy and art. Can't you tell? The art speaks for itself, anyone could pull off what I do with similar success and result, but it will never be the same.
I have been likened in style to children's art, the works of intelligent apes and elephants and disturbed vandals, this is no mistake. I like to keep an idea very raw, and then clump them together as they come to me, sort of stream of consciousness or automatic cartooning. Often these pages are then inked and coloured and published without much more fiddling other than erasing some bad lines, note I miss a few "good" lines. I like to leave it a bit rough and unclean in general, gives it more of an unhinged character.
Humour is very subjective, some people don't laugh at all, so fuck em. It doesn't worry me what it is that people find funny in my work because lots of people see lots of different things funny with each of my cartoons. Intended or not, it's all the same and I'll take it.
Enough pretentious wanking on. Please share this post with other's who might need to open their eyes a bit. Do me a favour and help other artists see that after all the mumbo jumbo we are all just people!
Follow me tomorrow into another topic as I try to separate my blog from the cartoony, arty pack and settle on something new and interesting to discuss.
Wednesday, 3 July 2013
Mouldy Princess Mouldy Update
Mouldy Princess Mouldy is an ongoing children's book project of mine, it is set in revolutionary Russia in a small Podunk town under deep Soviet control. The story revolves around a baker and his family as they struggle to survive the harsh reality of life.
These photos show the characters as they are being developed, the story is written, but of course we need illustrations galore. The project will take a few more months yet before it starts to come together properly.
Keep your eyes glued here and follow the project as it unfolds and let me know what you think, then be the first to own HellTown Industries first children's publication Oh Yeah!!!
Mouldy Princess Mouldy is an ongoing children's book project of mine, it is set in revolutionary Russia in a small Podunk town under deep Soviet control. The story revolves around a baker and his family as they struggle to survive the harsh reality of life.
These photos show the characters as they are being developed, the story is written, but of course we need illustrations galore. The project will take a few more months yet before it starts to come together properly.
Keep your eyes glued here and follow the project as it unfolds and let me know what you think, then be the first to own HellTown Industries first children's publication Oh Yeah!!!
Mouldy with peel and loaf
The street view
Mouldy expressions
The Seagull sidekick
Petrovic, baker and father

The little sister.
Excuse photo quality, I aint a photographer. These will be scanned and developed later any who, this is just to show what's going on.
Awesome, ...
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
The HellTown Office
So today I thought I'd open up the shutters and let you lot in to see where the genius you have eroticized is created. If you can don't forget to share, or like or follow so that in future we can continue to share our awesomeness with the universe. Every bit helps. If you have anything you want to share, feel free to comment and let me know what you think.
Main desk, Mouldy sketches on the wall.
My stool and drawing desk set up.
The paint table, There's a canvas, some miniatures I've made and a banana bus.
The drawing desk, paints and tp and guitar 1. Well lit with sunlight.
My lifeline to the outside, scanner, photocopier, printer, fax.
Framed pencil piece, you can just see my Marshall and BC Rich.
Essentially I have lots of space to draw, write and paint etc. I love having a dedicated office space and it's important to set it up in an easy to use fashion. You don't want to be looking for pencils and paper when a cool idea hits you.
Sweet, have fun.
Monday, 1 July 2013
Male Gender Issues
Harroon people.
I was thinking the other day, after watching a documentary called My Penis and Everyone Else's or something like that, about just how important the penis and penis imagery has been throughout human history and culture. In the documentary this fact was raised which prompted the question, where have the penises gone?
It turns out that men do not want to talk openly about penis size and issues. It is a taboo subject to most men and not given enough thought I feel. The average size of the penis varies depending on measurements and honesty etc, perhaps it lies somewhere between 3 and 6 inches. Men are unsatisfied even above these ranges so wtf?
In my mind it comes down to society, with the penis hidden and taboo. A secret shame or a thing of lust and abuse. So much pressure is put on men to perform, be big and satisfying etc and it's all bullshit. You don't need a dick to love your woman properly, you just need to not be a DICK yourself.
In antiquity, penises where everywhere in society, they were worshipped, revered and desired, smaller was consider nicer and larger was associated with animal depravity and myth. In some cultures size is power, not attractiveness. A massive cock on a war god statue shows great power, but not fertility, a smaller penis and a more peaceful outlook addresses male fertility.
Anywho, Love your dick if you have one. If you don't have a dick what the fuck do you know about it! Not to be sexist, but women with an opinion about penises are the same as men with opinions about vaginas, full of it. They are what they are... they don't call it "bumping uglies" for nothing.
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