Sunday, 27 October 2013

Public Works & the "pyramid Scheme" a Government Innitiative 2013

Couldn't be bothered to reflect the sand accurately in various shades of yellow etc hence the starkness. It will be hand coloured and available later, figured that it'll look heaps better done by hand than on computer. Like, it'll be turtally heaps more alive and that.

Essentially you're looking at a parody of public works. Useless people doing useless jobs. In Hell the theme is exaggerated, for eternity those on the "pyramid scheme" are to build a pyramid upon ever shifting sands for every cigarette ever smoked on Earth in our dimension. Sucks big time to be these daemons.

What did they do to deserve this, well they have made no effort to steal souls from Earth or corrupt anything and pretty much just need to be kept occupied because of the public liability involved in letting these retards wander the streets.

Perhaps, Humans should do the same, put all the unemployed etc to work on some glorious but pointless project. Sit back and reap the rewards. Good deed done!

Click the fancy new buttons and never miss out on a post again.

We want your feedback, so yell something to me from across the street or from a moving car. Anything. Will show some skin if there's 2 of you willing to comment here or somewhere about me, that I can see and go " oh geee wow, you like me, you really like me!"

Surf on sheeple, surf on.

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