Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Prototype Merch has come in. Woo!

So excited right now, merch has arrived... Well not all of the stuff we ordered but most. Hats, Tote bags, magnets so far, looking great. Still waiting on pens, hoodies business and a few other odds and ends. Design Daemons have done a purty good job so far.
Yeah! Sooner or later you'll begin to see various pieces of merch become available to view and order. Not that this is a shop so if you want to get your hands on this stuff you'll have to get involved with us. Very seriously involved. Or pay full retail prices and have very little of a fun time with us.
You'll see! You'll all see bwahahahahcough hack!!>??>
Sinister Cock-Roache

Monday, 28 October 2013

Integrity not for sale!

Yep. there it is. The idea came from mispronouncing Mexican place names and then using my brain I broke it.

I love ads, expecially ads disguised as news articles. They are my all time favourite in the newspapers of Earth. It always sets me to wondering whether there's any news disguised as advertising around the place. "New this week, 300 Syrian children murdered free with every chemical weapons inspection team you order call now..."

Disturbing, but if you go on twitter or fb, its there bold as a monkees cunt. @someshit. Don't hide the truth, don't hide from the truth and don't hide behind the truth.


Sunday, 27 October 2013

Public Works & the "pyramid Scheme" a Government Innitiative 2013

Couldn't be bothered to reflect the sand accurately in various shades of yellow etc hence the starkness. It will be hand coloured and available later, figured that it'll look heaps better done by hand than on computer. Like, it'll be turtally heaps more alive and that.

Essentially you're looking at a parody of public works. Useless people doing useless jobs. In Hell the theme is exaggerated, for eternity those on the "pyramid scheme" are to build a pyramid upon ever shifting sands for every cigarette ever smoked on Earth in our dimension. Sucks big time to be these daemons.

What did they do to deserve this, well they have made no effort to steal souls from Earth or corrupt anything and pretty much just need to be kept occupied because of the public liability involved in letting these retards wander the streets.

Perhaps, Humans should do the same, put all the unemployed etc to work on some glorious but pointless project. Sit back and reap the rewards. Good deed done!

Click the fancy new buttons and never miss out on a post again.

We want your feedback, so yell something to me from across the street or from a moving car. Anything. Will show some skin if there's 2 of you willing to comment here or somewhere about me, that I can see and go " oh geee wow, you like me, you really like me!"

Surf on sheeple, surf on.

Friday, 25 October 2013

Email Address Artwork Logo

Check it out. Email address is now permanently stuck to glass wall of office.

Now we all know how to email ourselves.

Not a real post, just an update from HQ re: office niche advertising.


Batshit Bonsai Bob "the Beast" Belzman.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Bonus Special New Amazings

Join to have free exclusive and original pages sent to your physical post address. Here are my first five bonuses, they are only b+w and on paper with pen. Fancy that! Once you have 'em they is yours. Not worth shit! But highly collectable. I will delete the scan s of these after posting. They will appear here only once, just so you guys can see what I mean. They are from yesterday 241013. If you buy anything or ask anything or join or love us, you will get a bonus page. Purty generous.

How cool can you get. Totally shameless attempt to garner more support for free content. I don't want your fucking money I want you to look at and laugh and then cum, or shit, your choice. Fucking, share and share and share alike, and you will be a long time friend with your own folders of my original art to sell once I've been shower shiv/raped in the prison shower by some big Hispanic mofo.

Woohoo, how much bullshit. Just send in your left over organs and bits of scrap meat and we will see what we can do.

Lots of Love.

Sinister Cock-Roache

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Something new every time

Thought that it might be a good time to balance out the latest spate of violently gore obsessed filth-rotica-toons. This one is more mundane for sure.

The hidden subtext for intellifans is that John Player and Peter Jackson have gotten together and are deciding that lower wages will lead to higher profits.

The kick on effects of this are being debated in the media and amongst business groups alike, casual wages and penalty rates for public holidays etc might make earning a living fucken hard for us eh!?

Keep touching yourself and have big ideas.

Sinistre Cockarocha.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Icke, Children of the Matrix and me

Yo.  Reading David Icke's book "Children of the Matrix." A lot is fairly goofy stuff, but every now and then he reflects what I believe then I feel I may be mad.

The point I'm getting at is that Icke and I both believe that the Earth was seeded with life, via non-human entities, DNA manipulated and taught the secrets of the universe, Stair step evolution.... But he also theorises and believes that civilizations on Earth have come and gone throughout the last 200k years plus. Perhaps even since the cataclysmic act that ended the reign of dinosaurs.

Atlantis, Lemuria are real. The Annunaki, Nephilim, Reptiles and Ancients are real as you or I.

It seems obvious to me that the truth is to be found in the world, whether we want to believe or not, it hardly changes the reality of the thing. Example; I once knew a student who didn't believe in gravity as a constant concept. However we know it is.... Derb.

Icke gets caught up trying to tie all of his ramblings and research data into a coherent narrative, he succeeds occasionally. More often than not I come away from reading feeling that he is a madman. Then the truth pops out into the open and I become the madman. Frustratingly interesting.

What do you think? It doesn't matter , but it's polite to ask.

Keep in touch and follow to develop a more well rounded psychosis.

Sinister Cock-Roache

Monday, 21 October 2013

Body Conscious or Conscience?

Welcome back team, I hope you like the new Gak Find Fire. Hold fast because there is still more from him to come in the future.
For thousands of years yogi's buddhas and the like have tried to separate their physical bodies from their spiritual selves, some going so far as to totally neglect the physical nature of their being. And yet today, in the last 200 years or so, we have evolved from this to being so focussed and obsessed with how we look in our physicalness.
This focus on the physical "good" body thinking has seen an increase in dangerous fad diets, food supplements, non-foods, fashionable exercise regimes and outfits. Then there's the plastic surgery, psychiatric treatment medication and the various other dangers associated with having the "good" body conscience.
Complete bullshit of course, media/culture and society at large force young people to comply to fashion standards. They must shop for the next best at all times.
Sadly this "good" body consciousness has led to foolish young people being bullied, alienated and exploited. Further more in extreme cases, sexual abuse/misconduct, eating disorders peer pressure and the "prom queen" ideal.
How about we move away from our physical obsessions and try to look inward or spirit-ward and connect with the less tangible elements of our amazing existence? One day mass media and culture will swing to support this but more damaging effects will help to change opinions over time.
 We shall see.
Keep on keeping mum. press the button to follow, share to twitter or facebook or just plain old join blogger and get stuck in you lazy bastards.
Content 4 Contents Sake.
Sinister Cock-Roache

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Dick Head Sluts

Open the week with a Gang Bang.
This is a toon to define some terminology. DickHead Slut.
Quite clear and to the point. Join with google and twitter. If you want you can use feedspot RSS the link/address and we can be friends.
I hates mundays. But erg.
Sin Cock.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

The Death of Superman

Why wasn't this made into a movie? Why?
Yes this is needless filler. But it serves to illustrate a point. Come on Hollywood and all people on Earth, if we settle for PG13 mediocre storylines and bad effects over acting, we are denying ourselves an experience that could not only entertain us but fascinate us and change our lives in unbelievable ways...
Btw this was like the first omnibus comic book I ever bought in my real life ever. Not quite the first comic ever owned but close. Might have been 8 or so. I was like hell into Footrot Flats and Hagar when I was younger.
The reason for filler article in place of fantastic original content is. I am going away from tomorrow and posts will resume Monday.
Tell everyone which movie had better source material than could be dreamt of and yet was somehow totally ignored or misread.
The Puller of Strings.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Workplace sex-based harrassment

Honesty, my friends is a dish best served with relish. How cool is work. So fun. Casting couch sessions are always available in my office and we have a great time objectifying ourselves routinely in morning meetings.

We moved a thing around on the sight but, it's a GOOGLE thing so whatevs, click it and see. There's a feed subscribe button down the very bottom of the page (pgdn) click that and have fun. We are tight with feedspot right now so utilise feedspot.com and follow us like that maybe.  There's just so much going on right now oh my god.

Short post today because there's this thing called The Last of Us.... it has a life of its own... I can't look away fuck!!

Sin out.

Monday, 14 October 2013

Leading An Authentic Life

Yo is Toosday. Hope the start of the week has been as good fo yous as its been for us?
Cool, been Googling a few bits and bobs to inform todays article. It turns out that they didn't destroy the hippies as we'd first thought. They're resurging... seen a farmers market a hipster, a macro organic pumpkin or carrot. Gluten fucking free treats ermakgurd. When the fuck do they stop there bullshit.
Lactose intolerance, yeast intolerance. You know these soy latte sustainably harvested free range vegan cunts. Fad emo poofs. Our society would rather work in an office block and eat supermarket brand eco friendly hippy foods rather than learn a traditional skills and make a living with your hands.
We may be missing the point here, but you get the gist. Hippies, hipsters, yuppies, proto-punk emo fags aren't authentic lifestyles. You are living an authentic life if you bow to no master but yourself and only blame yourself... then we can talk..
Toodlas, up ya bum with big dog cum.
Sinister Cock-Roache

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Harry Potter film and novel review. (so it's late whatever)

Hey Yall.
Took me a ways to organise my thoughts re: Harry Potter serieses. Here is the entirety of my review, thank you JK for ruining that decade for wizards you cunt.
Any way. I hope she writes a girl version called Sabrina. Wait. No. Ok.
Keep it real, and subscribe or email us to get special updates, bonus material and special invites. Have a good time.

Friday, 11 October 2013

Sequential Art? and other lies!

Hi guys. Been reading lots about the industry and how it sees itself, and there is a huge focus on defining things (webcomics) as sequential art collections and whatnot. Many artists see themselves as falling into other varied categories and subgenres etc.
The narrative, gag, timing and art elements need to be done consistent and abide by some form of connective law or constraint. Thus we start to see a homogenised product in such and such format.
At HellTown you have probably noticed that some pieces of art are sequential and others clearly one off gags. However there's always an underlying element of connectivity apparent mostly to the artist alone but can be unlocked by suitably perceptive readers...viewers and interracters.
Any way there is so much content in the webverse that there are always things to be found resting snugly just outside the peripheries of sense and suitability, but they exist nonetheless.
Check by on Monday for our next artistic ejaculate. Thanks for sticking by us. Let's talk, do lunch, rape and murder small... I mean  umm. Subscribe or email (helltown@live.com.au) to avoid the worst of the government shutdown, Obama-ocalypse.
Sinister Cock-Roache

Thursday, 10 October 2013

When Flavour is more than Good Taste

Happy Friday scumbags.
Here at HellTown we have a special interest in all things food, Expecially "degustation" fancy Heston Bloomenthralls Bullshiite. We find it not only insulting but demeaning as well. These fancy foodie restaurants and chefs shit out  a bunch of weird tasting and raw stuff on a massive white plate.
Bull shit... Food is for people, it nourishes body and soul, it makes you happy, not pensive and thoughtful, or shocked... Who likes to be shocked by flavour when paying $75 + for the experience... Bullshits.
The chefs rave about the flavours they are creating and experimenting with but come on. Where's the chef that doesn't smoke, so not many then , the rest lie about how their bullshit disgustastion treats taste for us idiot eaters out there.
Most people order much the same foods as they ordered last time, 'they know what they like from last time.' does the customer ever know what they like? Not according to foodie wankers.
Please subscribe to take your experience to the next level. Thanks for checking us out today, please share and express yourself to your fancy friends online. Lots of love

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Gak Find Fire Part 5.

Hi yall, and welcome to the dramatic return of Gak on his seemingly impossible quest for fire... It has been some time since the last instalment and I is sorry. Whatevs. Um.. like GTA5 is taking over my life, but I am getting back in control sort of. Anyway. you probably noticed my ultra sneaky deployment of blog address. Very clevr totes pro as eh?! I do this in the vain hope of +1ing my blog etc.... Also I am realising that there may be ownership issues with free content and content for contents sake, I do still want the creation to be pinned to my existence here.
I feel that my toons are a part of my spirit and all that stuff. But I hope that you like how the universe is shaping us, and please keep sharing, and visiting and participating in our communication dance. Check out pinterest and feedspot for us and click the things that apply. We can always be friends, wherever we go...
Keep on truckin' space ship Earth
Sinister Cock-Roache

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Consume and commodify pt 2

Morning gang. Not here but maybe somewhere.... As an addendum to yesterday's article the issue of competitive pricing "specials" "bonuses" "New" and other terms, labels and badges that nearly cover every packet on every shelf in the worlds. How many new and special value things do we need?
Are these things truly special? As a new born baby is special... An occassional special treat that is. Or are they really just more of the same mundane shit we have come to expect.
More Vs Better, not better advertising telling us how much more value things have, but actually making, selling, swapping and giving away good things of value... Is it really that hard?
Keep in touch with your sinister friend by subscribing, or liking this post. Share this with your friends and they will want to do a pooh with you touching them... We are on facebook where there are other more different and varied things to experience as also.

Monday, 7 October 2013

Consume and Commodify, Upsize and Upsell.


          Hey There. Welcome back to the most fringiest undergroundiest and funniest blog on the Earths. So the consumption of commodities is what we do and these commodities are sold to us at ever increasing volume and cost, but are sold to us as being more better and bouncy, shiny and new than the last hunk o craps what came along.

         To the thrust now, must a cartoonist conform to such commodity markets that drive the economy into the ground. Some would argue that this is the ultimate and most obvious goal, make things sell them make money, derb?! But is it so???

        The huge successful cartoonists in the whirled have all been upsold and packaged and shipped off etc. To what end, they are rich, fancy puppets... Perhaps they still hold a modicum of the creed. Dunno. Do you?

      The argument comes back to : more vs better.    User pays motherfucker and in most cases that means audiences pay, for things they ought look at for free and as often as they fucking want. "Art" is for the public(peeples) other wise it aint fono one.

       Free content and content for contents sake is where we sit here at HTI and we aim to please our selves whilst watching you pooh. We are essentially a non-profit charity what hopes to do little more than entertain.

      On this note, we aim for infamy and notoriety over fame and riches. Friends and networks above consumption and production. It's a fucking stream and we're fucking in it..........

       Ok, add on facebook and that. please like and share if u feel the vibe here and want to be a HellTown thrall. Try subscribing for that extra nice after mouth feel.

   S1n1st3r c0ckr04ch3 I is a gacker.(sik)..

Thursday, 3 October 2013

The madness of October continues...

Back pain sux. And mostly it can't be fixed by science... Pilates and core support is the way to go.
Some disdain 4 superheroes here. Theyre an arrogant lot eh.

Anything can happen in HellTown and when it does you'll properly be fucked up.
Nailed to a tree by your dick or mutated beyond recognition.
Be sure to subscribe to see more awesomeness. Don't forget to like this and follow us on facebook. The support makes it easier to flake off.
Cheers Hope you like.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Look what I found

Hey doods

Found this bad boy lurking around my drive. Awesome art from an awesome artist (whom I have no ID 4)

 If u know who it is let me know pls, must offer thanks and ask 4 mores. ASAP.

I love red and its relatives. Daemonic infighting kills the time.

Keep posted, check us out on facebook and don't be afraid to add and comment. Let's work together to make this a reality.

Cheers .

Mr C. Roach

Get it Harder At HellTown Industries

Super Sexy Chat @ HellTown Industries