Friday, 1 August 2014

Saturday Random Toons

There are so much things to get through and so littel times, but we's getting there verry slow and that.

I will be posting weekly for a while with maybe one good article and 4 or so pics. Just to have a good data base of shit for you all to peruse.

Also Volume #1 is being bookified with as you read this. Should be available at the end of the month for cost I think.

Do us a favour and add, follow and share as much as you can.

Sinister Cock-Roache.

Going Postal. Privatised Mail Delivery.

Hi all. Not that this effects many people as of yet and we won't know the flow on effects for some time but if we could take a moment to think about how post works and why it is used, that'd be great.

Post costs money. It is slow but is useful for getting objects from somewhere to somewhere else. Simple. Daily, working days obviously. So where's the problem? It isn't profitable enough for the government to run? Sorry what?!

 It's a service not a product, that's why faster delivery is available for sale (express post/business post) and the multitude of couriers and express package delivery freighters etc. No we are under served here. We pay 60 cents plus for simple postage quite reasonable. But not good enough for the greedy gobblers in parliament. They want more and they want to give us less.

Post only on 2 days of the week. Costs 10 times as much and then you need to insure the item posted etc. So much better for the privatised post system but not the poster. User pays, more and more and more and gets less and less. Wow, such system much good. You don't expect much , but the basics should be held surely.

Parcel delivery costs are reasonable within the nation. But once independent agencies get involved the price sky-rockets. And that is the way it is.

Keep Australia Post as it is. Stop privatising everything and stop whoring for the best profit.

Sinister Cock-Roache.

Get it Harder At HellTown Industries

Super Sexy Chat @ HellTown Industries