Sunday, 30 June 2013

Saturday, 29 June 2013

News and Current

Lots of green today. I dunno, maybe.

Imagine if you worked in a news office that always had shit going on in front of it and all around it.
The news would be very onesided. Like in this cartoon, the news Daemon is trying to deal with a big Godzilla daemon a castle just appears out of no where and the sky seems to be taking over. Aaargh!

How does the news get its news anyway. is journalism, parroting it as actual news seems to be the ways to go. Why have radio, and tv and newspapers if they all tell you the same thing.

Unlike in the scene above, in a news office in a different part of Hell is being attacked by aliens and tornadoes and there's a shark in a suit ermaghad! The news should be locally focussed and involved, not just a repeat of online gossip and badly researched crap. Haleyluji.


Friday, 28 June 2013

Life Skills 101

Back again.

Life skills 101. What is this all about, I don't rightly know but here we go...

Life skills 101:
1) Keep it simple- no matter what it is you are doing keep it simple and break it down into stages or parts.
2) Step back and think- be a bit reflective before jumping into action, goes back to the old saying measure twice cut once.
3) Don't lie to yourself- it's dumb and doesn't help you get where you want to go. Also, why try and impress yourself.
4)  and other such things.

Look, this is a bit silly I know, but whatever. I think that trying to come up with life skills that work well and are developed individually is very important. We are all different, and so no set of skills will apply to us all.

Overall it's just important to learn things on a daily basis, whether they are particularly useful or what. I will attempt to further extent and develop these life skills, think of them as alive. Eventually I can make myself more better.

Wake up and smell the coffins!

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Sports and Social Order

Excuse me...

Over the years it has become more apparent that our culture at work and in our own time is dominated by sport. It has a dramatic influence on our way of living, how we divide ourselves and how work is organised.

Team environments and team talks are all the rage in the work place, not to mention football tipping, horse race sweeps and the like. Most small talk revolves around those matches on the weekend and how bad the umpires were or whatever.

The effect upon social order at large are worse. National entertainment networks and politicians focus on sports whether through policy, support, programming or advertising. It just never ends, the continuous references to champions and events that stop a nation. What is wrong with this place.


Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Bad Examples Explored


I have always felt that setting a good example is not the most important thing. A bad exaqmples matters even less in society.

However, if we change the context and talk about how to give someone an example, now this example could be good or bad. A bad example would involve perhaps describing something innaccurately. A good example would be of mlore use here.

The point I'm trying to get at is that instead of giving useful "good" examplkes to people, utilise bad ones instead. It will greatly improve your day and you will feel more creative aftyerwards. Yay Zip Hoot.

Ok. I guess that explains that, this is a slice of bread and it is a bad example of sliced bread to be precise.


Tuesday, 25 June 2013

An introduction to: Locations of interest.

Daemonic quattrain?

As in our universe there are cities and towns which are full of wonderful things. The same is true of HellTown. Daemons need places to live, to eat at, to work at. They need things to do and services to help them do it. There's also law and order and medical/fire services, a school, a bank and other normally things.

As with all things they can't remain exactly the same in Hell. As the series/magazine progresses various locations of interest will be pin pointed and elaborated upon. Probably following a strip or two to give you a  visual on what's going on.

One can already see how the medical profession, legal system and some other things work in HellTown.  They are all essentially perversions of the truth and can be viewed as metaphoric or something.

Make up your own  mind on how you view things for yourself.


The HellTown Universe


The HellTown Universe is a special place indeed. It holds a very tender grip on my heart and fills me with dread at its potential. For a start, it isn't all that dissimilar to our own Universe, it is our universe with the inner base souls on the outside.

Daemons are tormented, twisted, full of greed, anger, lust etc and I think to a certain extent most of us humans boil down into animalisytic creatures, yet we are still able to function as a society.

Angel dudes are sort of the opposite, mostly. We all exist on a bit of a moral plane, and we have a tendency to slip and slide along it.

Most of the things in our universe remain essentialy the same, or similar if not perverted to some other deviant cause. Size is flexible and is a bit fluid due to interdimensionality ruining physics as we understand it.

Open your eyes to understand more.

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Advice 4 Life as a Cartoonist.

To be fair I spend half my waking day as a cartoonist and the morning half as a baker. Very busy days as I try valiantly to do the things I like as well as pay the rent. Not hard really there's just a few things that I've found can make it all go smoothly.
  1. Have a plan- keep a focus or a goal with a deadline on a visual poster or calendar works to remind you what is going on and how much you need to do. Very handy for lazy and tired people.
  2. Keep positive- I know it sounds silly but you'd be surprised at how much things change if you put a smile on your face and think of happy things. Try not to dwell on things that go wrong however choose to laugh at how crap it is and know that with a better attitude you can do better.
  3. Indulge- whether be in hobbies, exercise, some brain dead activity or sleeping. It's important to take pleasure in your life no matter where you can get it.
  4. Working attitude- Always work as if you're working for yourself, trust me if you feel that what you do is for yourself even if it clearly isn't, you'll try harder and take more pride. Don't forget how time flies when your busy.
  5. Don't doubt- Not easy. Try to just run with it, be present and make snap decisions. Remember that being independent means owning your decisions. Be fair on yourself but.
Woop Woop.

Friday, 21 June 2013

No Shirt No Entry!

         We've all been in this position at some point in our lives.

Too drunk to get in and drink more!

Oh No!!

What! Fuck You! No way am I too drunk!!!

Public drunkenness will not be tolerated , it is not okay! Especially without a shirt on! We must maintain standards in this community of ours.

This behaviour will not be tolerated.

Think of the children! The lady Daemons! Put on a shirt and carry on, Heebie Jeebus!!”

Direct quote from HellTown Police. (or just a daemon in a police uniform)

Full colour panel yay. Been a while since I did one of these, I miss them so!!!!


Thursday, 20 June 2013

Keeping to a colour pallet.

                  A hat can change the very nature of its wearer.


Have been talking with Brodo about colours for the last week or so and which programs are the way to go etc. Brodo's a photographer and has some pretty good stuff and he knows how to use the buttons on the sides of things and that.

Anyway, Brodo was talking about how by deciding upon the best colours and saving them in such a way as to be always available to me, you can achieve a more consistent and professional looking product.

Plug for Wacom. Tablets and that are by far the best devices for interacting with art programs, over mice or other things. This combined with a confined colour pallet greatly improves the artistic process.

Recognition and consistency are everything to the cartoonist I believe. Do you really recognise a cartoonist who has no consistency, you might but it would be far easier other ways.

Fire engine red for Daemons. The others are secret...

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

The adventures of The Littlemen.

These guys were amongst some of the first ideas I came up with whilst still in high school. I think slowly they devolved into the daemons I usually draw.

I reason to myself that I can't draw just one type of cartoon, but instead draw however I like to as I see fit. I have elaborated on the little men over the years and I like how they can be funny so differently from the daemons etc.

The little men are a bit more Larson esque perhaps, if that is possible. I use them wherever I have an idea that just doesn't sit well in HellTown. The little men stand out on a limb from most of my other cartoons because I believe that they are more refined and elegant than my other work. Maybe.

I think you can see how the little men can have developed into daemons etc, horns and tails make a big difference to how others see you.

Sleep tight.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Sinister CockRoach

The gambler laughs. Other things are happeing as well. There is a hole in the page near the doctor. My pussy got wild.
Sinister CockRoach has grown up in Hell Town. He has walked its twisting cobbled streets for eternity. CockRoach  is the voice of Hell Town often coming to me in my dreams. His tales of life are extraordinary but he longs for more.
Sinister CockRoach longs to be taken seriously for what he is. The world must recognise him and accept him amongst there number. CockRoach pleads ever more to return to the mortal realm in his true form. Sadly his struggle has been pointless and as they say rules are rules!
No daemon may enter the mortal realms cloaked in his scaly flesh, but must possess and totally consume a host. Thereby becoming completely "human" but with a daemonic soul. Not good for the host. CockRoach demands that this practice be abolished and that daemons enter the mortal realms as they are!
Look, here comes my medication.

Monday, 17 June 2013

The Philosophical degeneration that is HellTown.

What do daemons do all day? Fuck you that's what!
If I must say something, it's the darker elements of society, it's deviance and depravity that make life interesting. As a human animal we can't but help to feel instinctive desires, wants and needs.

The base depraved mind is the largest part of the brain – our true soul is beastly, animalistic and immortal. We strive endlessly to deny ourelves in life, we put time and energy into our careers, families, communities etc, all the while feeling somehow cheated or dissatisfied.

Our animal brain and soul are shouting at our consciousness to “wake up” and realise the truth of our existence. Which is not raising a perfect family or having a great career... Go deeper your eyes!!

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Dot Points To Live By.

A well reasoned response to not taking karate lessons.

Another day down the toilet. A basic outline of CockRoach's life philosophy to mull over. Quite an interesting thinker is little Mr CockRoach. These dot points will keep you well on track to completing your destiny quest.
  • When things go well, don't thank God thank yourself.
  • When things go bad, blame God for being a bad sport! Then blame everyone before yourself!
  • If you have to do something, try not to fuck it up!
  • Never admit defeat! Ever!
  • Have Big Dreams.
  • Don't give up on life, think of all the people left to piss off.
  • Make people angry at you, you always look better by comparison!
  • Other people probably don't like you.
  • Have friends! You can all come to Hell together, yay!
  • Eat meat! Cows chose to be tasty.
  • Enjoy the little things.
  • Sneak and scare!!

Carry on.

HellTown Magazine Daily

HellTown Industries Magazine is basically what this blog is. Who physically needs a copy of my cartoons and interesting articles in this day and age. Ermagahd! Like Tablets and smart phones. Duh! I do like to subscribe to mags and comics and love the feel of paper in the hand on the loo. Plus you just can't beat the collections that last through time.

I have always been a fan of Mad magazine and such, thus I early drew influence from these publications and planned to publish HellTown Magazine. As technology advanced it became less and less a good idea to look into physical publications, which is basically what landed me on the webs.

You will note that some posts are regular then I take a break and post regularly again. This will no longer be the case. With a bit of thorough preplanning I now aim to again post daily... We will see how that goes. I have a pretty good drug habit going, a full time boring job and a bunch of stupid shit going on all the time. No excuses!!

So I only meant to write 2 paragraphs, bust!

Friday, 14 June 2013

Trying new ways of thinking

For the last month I have been torn with the decision to continue life working as a baker and push myself further into that career, or work harder on my cartoons and really try to make a living from my art.

I still need to earn a living no matter what I do so I really need to work harder and smarter, perhaps less working for the man and more working for me will be the solution.

A little bit of subtle satire for winter. I feel that if pokies take your money and ruin your life etc at least you could get blown, perhaps you'd spend more. They already ruin lives so what does it matter if the client completely loses their dignity. What a happy place I've gone to lately.
I have been fiddling around with many other projects lately, from working on scenery and figures, canvas painting and sculpture things. Never short of a project, but the not for profit gets a little in the way of the money makers a bit. A diversion is better than a holiday, because you can have multiple diversion daily.

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