Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Another Batch for the book

This one is Medea and her kids while some French looking guy looks on in concern. Medea is obviously deranged by this point and the French guy and the sunny day and the appliances serve only to amuse me.

The bard. I particularly love how enthusiastic school teachers can become over the most difficult to follow bullshit. It's English but it's not. The most fun anyone has is dressing up like a girl!

This guys guts are out and the other one just shat. Basic.

The Greens movement, in all its glory on a truly epic scale. I love how cute it turned out. Bulldozers go broom!

This one feels weird and it amuses me to imagine smoking being direct marketed to a cigarette couple. They are indignant at being so rudely propositioned as they go about their daily business.

Pen and paper scanned and coloured.

I drew this physically on paper and scanned the image before coulouring. What I am trying is to make my process faster. I suck at using tablets to draw, especially hate trying to look at the screen while pretending to draw on plastic.

Mouldy in colour for the first time, if badly. Again I scanned the image before colouring. In future I think thicker lines and a bolder attitude will help the finishing process move along faster.

I don't know about anybody else but I find that hand drawing is the most readily available and easiest way for a cartoonist to express themselves. Hand colouring in pencil sucks and is a stupid idea, but does lend a certain sense of charm and artistry to an otherwise tacky cartoon image. However it is the bold colours and strong lines of many cartoon styles that is particularly appealing.

Monday, 8 April 2013

New cartoons for looking at

This is a slow process, but here are 2 new ones for now, perhaps more to follow, visit helltown cartoons at deviant art for more.

The Awakening

Finally discovered how to work this thing properly. At this stage I will try and put my art and stuff up here as regularly as I can.
Will this be better than previous efforts at being online and living the dream, or wot?

I guess we'll find out as time goes by.

I did it once, but now I haf to try and find where the putpictures up buttons are ergg!!

Get it Harder At HellTown Industries

Super Sexy Chat @ HellTown Industries